Tea party time

To Phoebe’s delight, Charlene has hosted a tea party every day during their visit. Each party includes…

Special seating

A special tray full of supplies

A special tablecloth and napkins

Special dishes

Special snacks (goldfish, dried fruit, bunny graham crackers and more…)

Special spoons

Special cups

And all good to the last drop…


Filed under Phoebe

2 responses to “Tea party time

  1. Idehra

    I can’t decide who or what is the most precious in these pictures:Phoebe in her bright pink sweater, Grandma Charlene doing the Gramma things, the little table and chairs, the dishes, the treats…Oh, I know it’s all of the above and each is flavored with love.

  2. Nona Judy

    Charlene, you are the best! What a fun time and so special.

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